10 Wrestling Matches Which Scarred A Wrestler For Life

1. Mick Foley - WCW Touring Match Vs. Vader

Cesaro No Mercy

Though we could easily talk about Mick Foley's hellacious Hell in a Cell match with The Undertaker at King of the Ring 1998 (which led to the star losing a tooth, dislocating his jaw, a concussion, bruising his kidney and dislocating his shoulder) we're instead going to focus on the match which changed the performer's appearance forever.

During a tour of Germany with WCW in 1993, Vader and Cactus Jack were booked to wrestle each other in front of the European crowd in attendance. However, Vader was apparently suffering from a bad arm injury so Foley agreed to do most of the heavy lifting in the match.

This led to Foley performing the 'Hangman' move which involves a wrestler getting his neck tied up in the ropes. Yet, on this occasion the star wasn't able to wriggle free as easily as he'd have liked as the ropes had been tightened earlier in the night.

He eventually pulled himself out of the situation, but his ear was now hanging on by a thread and was later knocked off by Vader after he delivered a forearm to Cactus Jack.

After the match, Foley ended up undergoing surgery for four hours and lost 2/3 of his ear thanks to the dangerous spot.

Though in reality, things could have been a whole lot worse for the future WWF Champion. If he stayed tied up for much longer there's a good chance he could've suffered brain damage or even died.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...