10 Wrestling Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same Way After This

9. CM Punk Considered Getting Up And Avoiding A Jeff Hardy Ladder Swanton (WWE SummerSlam 2009

CM Punk
WWE Network

When a rather insane human being opts to climb all the way to the top of a ladder as they prepare to flip or splash their way back down to earth, the majority of folks are found worrying about that person up high.

Not the unfortunate soul preparing to have their body split in two below.

Take the night of SummerSlam 2009, for example.

Here, the 'Charismatic Enigma' Jeff Hardy scaled one of the biggest ladders ever pulled out from under a squared-circle and proceeded to Swanton Bomb from the heavens onto a battered CM Punk on an announce desk.

As the then-World Heavyweight Champion made his way up the steps, though, the 'Best in the World' soon realised that he was actually in as much danger as his opponent.

Punk would even go as far as to tell The Movie Crypt (via Fightful) that he was very much thinking "I should just get up and walk away. Why am I laying here? This is stupid" during the moments pre-Swanton.

Thankfully, Punk stayed put. But his fears were confirmed moments later as the impact of a 200-pound bloke crashing down from up high most definitely hurt on the night.

So, the next time you watch a pair of in-ring lunatics prep this sort of body-breaking spot, or even just this particular SummerSlam collision, spare a thought for the terrified person waiting to be obliterated on the ground.

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CM Punk
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...