10 Wrestling Moments Made Better With Hulk Hogan Erased

10. Bob Backlund Is Assaulted By The Wild Samoans And Saved By...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYqSRF-9DP0 In 1984, Jimmy Snuka was still employed by the WWF though he was fresh from an investigation regarding Snuka's involvement with the death of 23-year old wrestling fan Nancy Argentino in May 1983. Snuka remained with the WWF until 1985, when Argentino's family won a $500,000 settlement in the case, and Snuka was released. Thus, in January 1984, though Hogan was a hot property in the AWA, Snuka was equally as hot in the WWF. Snuka had history with the Samoans manager Lou Albano, who had managed Snuka when he debuted in the WWF in 1982 and had a tremendous series of matches with Backlund. Heel-to-babyface Snuka siding with Backlund against the Samoans is a great story, maybe even better than the returning Hogan storming the ring against a gang of heels with whom he had no prior issue. Snuka and Backlund working the Samoans followed by Backlund/Sheik and leading into Sheik/Snuka would've been money. Hogan then coming in possibly as a heel to face Snuka would've arguably been a bigger draw than Hogan vs. the Sheik was, especially given that there weren't many return matches of that iconic event. Snuka and Hogan? They could've gone around the horn for a year.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.