10 Wrestling Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

8. Wheeler Yuta Takes On Jon Moxley Whilst BLIND - AEW Rampage, 2022

Jericho AEW

When agreeing to stand across the ring from a wrestler who is literally known as The Purveyor of Violence, anything but 100% of your focus and commitment to the Jon Moxley cause will likely quickly result in a rather nightmarish scenario.

Unfortunately, that's something eventual Blackpool Combat Club ally Wheeler Yuta discovered rather brutally during his break-out bloodbath with the 2022 AEW MVP on the April 8 edition of Rampage.

After inevitably producing some colour in the gritty showing, Yuta soon realised just how damn difficult it is to keep up with the relentlessly vicious Mox when sporting a crimson mask. In fact, things got so tough for the plucky underdog that he even admitted to not being able to see anything and even feeling somewhat blind during the war.

Thankfully, Yuta would at least land on the semi-effective solution of wiping one part of his eye to the point of being able to just about work the contest. But, for the most part, the stream of his own blood acted as an unwanted obstacle in what wound up being undoubtedly his most violent skirmish to date in an AEW ring.

There's a reason he earned the BCC's respect, after all.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...