10 Wrestling Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

7. Shane McMahon Was Legit KO'd In Front Of His Own Kids - WWE Survivor Series 2016

Jericho AEW

While it ended up being a pretty rough night for Shane McMahon on the back of hijacking this year's Royal Rumble and ultimately being told by his paps that he "would never get another pop in this company as long as I'm around," said "unprofessional" debacle pales in comparison to the physical trauma the son of the former boss went through back at Survivor Series 2016.

Hot on the heels of Shane O' Mac being violently reminded to "clam the f**k down" by Chris Jericho earlier in the traditional five-on-five elimination contest, the daredevil figure would eat a huge spear mid-Coast-to-Coast from Roman Reigns.

Shane's vacant expression and the official's look of worry as he called for the SmackDown leader's sudden elimination already told a story of s**t hitting the fan somewhat. But the horror was dialled up a few notches when it eventually became clear that McMahon's own kids were actually on the front row, taking in the terrifying moment their dad was seemingly knocked out cold by The Tribal Chief.

Thankfully, Randy Orton was on hand to console Shane's little ones shortly after, with Orton later noting on Twitter, "I'm a father. I know what it's like to have your kids ringside when s**t goes sideways..."


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...