10 Wrestling Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

1. Edge’s Flame Gel Didn’t Protect Him

WWE Elimination Chamber 2010 The Undertaker Fire Pyro

Edge once told Inside The Ropes that he "didn't think it through too much" before sprinting at Mick Foley and hitting him with that spear through a flaming table at WrestleMania 22. Adam Copeland just had to go for it and hope for the best. Besides, WWE's specialists had smeared the pair in fire-retardant gel, so they'd be fine.

Now for the bad news.

That gel came off Edge and Mick as they started sweating mid-match, so it was pointless. Think about that for a second. Edge was topless, and he effectively had to dive headfirst into the fire. All he could do was close his eyes and pray. People chanted, "Foley Is God" at Mick, but Edge was probs praying to someone else!

After landing, Edge made sure he wasn't on fire and paused to smell his own flesh cooking. That's a charming thought. 'Rated-R Superstar' steaks coming right up. The guys didn't rehearse anything earlier in the day, so were relying on the gel to help them out. When that failed, they just had to suffer the consequences.

What other wrestling moments hid terrifying truths? For more WWE, check out 10 Strongest WWE Wrestlers EVER and 20 Wrestlers Who Won World Titles In The Fewest Matches


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.