10 Wrestling Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

7. Baron Corbin’s Risky MITB Spot

WWE Elimination Chamber 2010 The Undertaker Fire Pyro

Clearly, WWE would've left nothing to chance for Money In The Bank 2020. The company would've known the risks of having one wrestler throw two others off the side of a building, and everything would've been rehearsed earlier in the day before filming. Besides, Rey Mysterio and Aleister Black had a landing pad over the lip of WWE HQ.

Bet that helped them sleep easy the night before, eh?

WWE had a safety net, but the platform had to be hidden from the view of cameras and can't have been that big. So, there wasn't much margin for error. What if Corbin had lost his bearings mid-match and ended up tossing Rey or Black in the wrong direction?! Nobody needs that on their conscience.

It's terrifying to think that Mysterio and Black had to fall any sort of distance off the side of HQ at all. They likely tumbled around 6-7ft onto the platform below. Even so, both likely needed a quick visit to the loo afterwards. Baron wouldn't have been "Happy" had he been on the receiving end!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.