10 Wrestling Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth
8. Mae Young Warned Bubba To Bring It

The thought of powerbombing a 70-something year old woman off the Raw stage through a table stack would've been nerve-wracking enough for Bubba-Ray Dudley. He's admitted since that he was legit worried he might seriously hurt or even kill Mae Young in 2000. The feisty old queen was having none of it.
She caught wind of Bubba's trepidation and approached him backstage. In her own unique style, Mae told Dudley he better make the spot look good or she'd "kick [his] a*s" in front of everybody. Hyped up on adrenaline and feeling the pressure to make the move epic, Bubba nonetheless made sure to control Young's landing carefully come crunch time.
It would've been easy for both to get carried away, and for a fired-up Mae to over-rotate and probably end up breaking her neck. Without mincing words, and despite her obvious toughness, Young was anything but. She was an old woman who could've been badly hurt very easily.
Warning Dudley behind the curtain and calling him out to bring it was a risky move.