10 Wrestling Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

5. Rey Mysterio Couldn’t Protect Himself

WWE Elimination Chamber 2010 The Undertaker Fire Pyro

Anyone who watched Big Show vs. Rey Mysterio at Backlash 2003 surely enjoyed the brief big man vs. little man showcase both guys put on. Post-match, the party really got started. Mysterio was strapped to a stretcher, Show chased off medics, then the giant treated Rey like a human baseball bat.

Show's big stunt saw him swing Mysterio at the ring post. Unfortunately, even though it was impressive he'd been able to do that at all, Big Show couldn't hold onto Rey long enough to control his landing. That's why the masked hero flipped around after clashing with the post and came down hard right on his face.

His arms were strapped in, so Rey had nothing to help break his fall.

In interviews after the fact, Rey-Rey revealed that he had to go to hospital straight after the match for various tests. It'd be shocking if he didn't suffer a concussion. Just knowing that he couldn't protect himself makes the stunt seem rather thick looking back. Why did no-one think that through?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.