10 Wrestling Moments More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

4. Jeff Hardy’s Head Hits The Ring Steps

WWE Elimination Chamber 2010 The Undertaker Fire Pyro

Jeff Hardy has a lengthy list of painful bumps and bruises, but this is one hardly anybody mentions. On the 30 November 2020 edition of Raw, Jeff faced Elias (brother of fellow ex-WWE star Ezekiel. Ahem!) in a 'Symphony Of Destruction' match. Near the end, Hardy performed his Swanton Bomb move. Cool, huh?

Someone tell Jeff what happened next - he surely doesn't recall.

The high-flying daredevil hit his move off a ladder in the corner of the ring to the outside. As he came crashing on top of Elias through a table, Hardy's head visibly clattered against the bottom ring step. In other words, it wasn't the actual move that should be focused on here. It's the way Jeff almost brained himself on the steps.

In truth, he got "lucky". The back of Hardy's skull landed flush on the flat part of the step. Things would've been much worse had he hit the corner instead. Some fans watching the match live maybe didn't spot this at the time, and it's hardly like the match went down in history as some super-memorable 'Best Of Raw' moment.

Truthfully, it could've been a watershed moment for Jeff's life and career.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.