10 Wrestling Moments That Made You Mark Out

7. Edge Spears Jeff Hardy From The Ladder

Okada Omega II Faint

It doesn't matter how much time has passed since this moment, or how many times you've watched it, as Jeff Hardy begins to dangle from the Tag Team Championship belts you still do not believe for one second that Edge is going to spear him out of the air and down to the floor some 20ft below. It's impossible, it's inhuman, it's a move straight out of an absurd Hollywood action film and not a ground-based combat sport.

And yet, he does. Every single time.

Moves of this nature have been replicated since (mostly by Shane McMahon) but this felt, at the time, like nothing WWE fans have ever seen before. This was only the second ever TLC match, at a time when weapon use in the company had only recently moved on from chair-shots and the occasional trashcan lid. The influx of ECW's hardcore style, under the guise of 'Attitude' reached it's in-ring zenith in this match... and in this move.

Fans simply couldn't believe this had happened, much less that Jeff Hardy had survived. For all the mask of kayfabe had begun to slip at the turn of the millennium, this looked as hard hitting and as legitimate as anything other sports could possibly hope to offer.

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