10 Wrestling Moments You Thought Were Kayfabe (That Were Actually Real)
3. Brock Lesnar And John Cena Genuinely Didn't See Eye To Eye For A Time

Like it or not, the record will always show that John Cena and Brock Lesnar are two of the most successful workers the wrestling industry has ever known. Their Extreme Rules 2012 war and SummerSlam 2014 shock-inducing squash act as two of the most captivating contests of the 2010s.
And while you may just assume the pair's unquestionable chemistry and ability to convince audiences they're enjoying beating the p*ss out of each other was all just the result of them being masterful workers, the truth is a little more complex than that.
Stemming back to Lesnar's first run with the company from 2002-2004, The Beast Incarnate was said to not have been the biggest fan of the up-and-coming Cena on SmackDown. On top of reportedly badmouthing the eventual WWE legend to the boss whenever he showed any promise on the show, Lesnar seemingly wasn't that interested in co-operating with his eventual regular sparring partner at Backlash 2003 as the pair put on a sloppy contest in their first-ever match together.
So, the animosity on-screen seen in their later efforts, though still a work to some degree, likely came tinged with at least an ounce of venom from their previous lack of cohesion.