10 Wrestling Moves That Look Like They Could Legitimately Kill You

4. Zeus' Neck Snap

Some moves look like they could kill if done wrong, or if the full impact was indeed delivered in the way the move's selling suggested it was. But some just like like an act of blatant, knowing, premeditated murder.

To cross-promote the Hulk Hogan cinematic cheesefest No Hold Barred, actor Tommy 'Tiny' Lister was brought into the WWE to perform as his bad guy character, Zeus, in a strange angle that suggested Zeus was real while Hulk Hogan's character in the movie, Rip, was just a role Hogan played.

Among all this bizarreness was the finishing move Zeus used to intimidate the Hogan camp in the run-up to their PPV matches - the neck snap.

Zeus would grab an opponent's head and snap it sharply to the side. The only result of this move if performed legitimately would be a broken neck and, presumably, death. The move was to imply Zeus' strength and brutality without actually requiring the untrained Lister to perform a complicated move, but in retrospect, it turned Zeus into an in-ring murderer.


Ben Counter is a fantasy and science fiction writer, gaming enthusiast, wrestling fan and miniature painting guru. He was raised on Warhammer, Star Wars and 1980s cartoons that, in retrospect, were't that good. Whoever you are, he is nerdier than you.