10 Wrestling Old Timers Who Could Still Go In WWE

2. Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle has announced that the upcoming UK Tour promoted by TNA will be his last. From there, Angle hopes to make sporadic appearances for the company, but doesn't envisage wrestling full-time any longer. It's incredible that the man has even made it to this point, given the fact that his neck has been an almost-constant problem for him since winning a Gold Medal in 1996. The issue recurred in 2003, meaning Angle has been working through serious pain ever since. Nonetheless, the promise of one more run with WWE - perhaps including an induction into the WWE Hall of Fame - is something he probably couldn't resist. It'd also be something which would push the reset button on his career a little, reinvigorating fan response to his matches. Angle left WWE on bad terms in 2006, which is something that clearly doesn't sit well with the man. Over the years, he has been torn between praising Vince McMahon, Triple H and others, and lambasting them for the way he was treated. One last short tenure in the promotion could theoretically cure all ills, and help Angle's career come full circle.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.