10 Wrestling Old Timers Who Could Still Go In WWE

8. Vader

It's only a given that Vader couldn't perform the moonsaults he used to, or work at the same breakneck speed he did during his prime years. Even though he has always been a big man, Leon White sure could move his body, something which helped him work brilliant matches against the likes of Sting and even Shawn Michaels. Time has moved on since then. That said, during his one-off appearance for WWE during the June 11, 2012 episode of Monday Night Raw, Vader looked great. Squashing Heath Slater, the former World Champion had noticeably aged a little, but it wasn't exactly drastic. Much like several others on this list, Vader was never renowned for rippling muscles, he simply had girth and a unique appearance. That's something the man still maintains. If WWE were to book him as a returning hero for the purposes of a short run against a top heel, there's a good chance people would react favourably. During a TNA match against Bram in June, 2015, he again excelled. Vader arguably didn't achieve what he should have in WWE, but he's still a well-remembered name.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.