10 Wrestling Old Timers Who Could Still Go In WWE

7. Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy is someone a lot of people would dearly love to see back in WWE. Leaving with relative abruptness in 2009, the 'Charismatic Enigma' departed the company before they were able to glean as much from him as they wanted to. Having worked to build Hardy up to a main event level, the promotion watched in horror as he elected to leave then showed up in TNA months later. Since early-2010, Jeff's TNA run has been somewhat of a mixed bag. His personal demons have reared their ugly head on occasion, but he has also been capable of producing stirring matches against the likes of Kurt Angle and Austin Aries. In 2015, it looked like Hardy had achieved everything he could in TNA, turning fan attention to a possible WWE comeback. When motivated, Jeff Hardy is one hell of a talent. He's someone WWE would enjoy having back under contract, provided his attention didn't fade over time. The potential is also there for Jeff to bring his brother back for the ride, combining once again with Matt as The Hardy Boyz. Matches against The New Day would feel fresh, and bouts opposite The Dudley Boyz would feel nostalgic.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.