10 Wrestling Promos Wrestlers Regret

3. Booker T Regrets His Infamous Hogan Promo

Cody Rhodes

Seemingly making a decent living out of dropping highly divisive and controversial takes in recent times, it's hard to imagine any words that have ever left the mouth of "Five Time" WCW World Heavyweight Champion Booker T leaving him nursing a bout of uneasy regret.

However, there was one particularly infamous promo from said stint under the WCW banner that left even the eventual King of WWE himself wishing he'd done things differently. As Book would reveal on his own Hall of Fame podcast, the very real botch that resulted in the star dropping an "N" bomb in his promo towards Hulk Hogan during his Harlem Heat days is one that, in his words, "I wished I could’ve taken back."

As the eventual two-time WWE Hall of Famer put it:

"I just felt like I let a lot of people down who looked up to me, and I did not want them to think that that was something that was OK. Because it might mean the difference for them moving up the ladder at their job, or moving down the ladder or getting fired from their job. And it’s just real talk. It’s real talk. I caught myself in the moment, but it’s a moment that I wished I could’ve taken back."

Witnessing Book catch himself in the moment still makes for a hard watch to this day, but it absolutely took nothing away from his overall legacy as one of the most important performers of his generation.

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Cody Rhodes
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