10 Wrestling Promos Wrestlers Regret

2. Jon Moxley Instantly Knew A Roman Reigns Line Was A Mistake

Cody Rhodes
WWE Network

Even some of the finest talkers of recent times have struggled to navigate the often tired and restricting overly-scripted system WWE forces its Superstars to work within. And in Jon Moxley, the company undoubtedly possessed one of the most naturally gifted storytellers of his generation.

But, again, instead of allowing a then-Dean Ambrose the freedom to cut loose on the mic when called upon, the eventual AEW World Champion was routinely left frustrated by Vince McMahon's consistent need to burden him with dodgey and sometimes deeply uncomfortable material.

When faced with having to mock his old Shield brethren Roman Reigns not long after The Big Dog revealed he was set to undergo treatment for leukaemia, though, a concerned Ambrose did all he could to keep the words from being committed to live TV.

However, Mox would later recall that after being given "the Vince Jedi mind trick”, the moment the insensitive words, those being Roman having to "answer to the man upstairs" for his hell raising time in the faction, finally left his mouth he was left thinking "‘Oh my God, I can’t believe I just said that.’”

Thankfully, Mox would ultimately draw a line at another controversial scripted utterance targeting Roman he deemed so bad that it would've gotten someone fired.

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Cody Rhodes
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