10 Wrestling Promotions You Never Knew Existed

1. The Power Wrestling Alliance

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BeFA_-UoVE Perhaps the least known and potentially oddest wrestling promotion in history isn€™t even really a promotion. The Power Wrestling Alliance was an extremely short-lived attempt at combining professional wrestling with the teachings of Christianity. The DWO -- Detroit World Outreach -- and its senior minister, Bishop Jack Wallace, held a show that used professional wrestling as a vehicle to preach about God. Featuring just one match, the entire show is a strange affair. Sting attempted to do battle with Greg €œThe Hammer€ Valentine and Buff Bagwell, but was quickly overpowered by the duo. As Bagwell and Valentine continued to beat down the Stinger, a familiar song hit the speakers. That€™s right, Shawn Michaels ran in to make the save while €œSexy Boy€ blared through the building. Good ole HBK hit a pair of superkicks on Valentine and Bagwell, who quickly fled to the back. Michaels gave chase, leaving the Stinger alone in the ring. It was then that Sting was confronted by demons -- really just no-name wrestlers in red facepaint. These demons chained and shackled the Stinger, who then struggled to break free of his restraints. Bishop Jack Wallace came out and encouraged Sting that he could break free of his chains. However, he wouldn€™t find the power in drugs, women, wealth, or other material matters. Bishop Wallace spoke of another power, as the crowd chanted €œJesus!€ But the Stinger still could not free himself. He collapsed in the ring and saw a vision -- Sting watched Jesus Christ carry the cross, be crucified and resurrected. Then the actor portraying Jesus awkwardly stumbled through the ropes and lifted the iconic wrestler to his feet as the chains fell from the Stinger€™s wrists and ankles. Sting then told his story of being saved before bringing out his fellow wrestlers. Animal of the Legion of Doom joined the Stinger and told his story and that of his late partner, Hawk. Then, Shawn Michaels returned to tell his tale before the €œMillion Dollar Man€ Ted DiBiase came out and began to preach. From there, things were turned back over to Bishop Wallace who continued to preach to those in the crowd.
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Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.