10 Wrestling Rules You Had No Idea Existed

7. No Getting On The Ropes During An Entrance

Can't Do This

Again, this particular rule feels like more of an "if your name's not Randy Orton" - or someone else of that ilk - no-no than a straight-up forbidden act when it comes to the world inside of Vince McMahon's empire.

It wasn't always this way, however. For a time, wrestlers left, right, and centre could be seen clambering up to the top rope and flexing their muscles, out-stretching their arms, or even just flipping the bird. Yet, as time has gone by, for some bizarre reason, the biggest wrestling organisation on the planet have dialled back allowing stars to take to the top rope to gee up the crowd.

Perhaps the strangest part of all of this is the fact that wrestlers are still able to drag themselves to that aforementioned top rope to deliver a stunning shooting-star-press, frog splash, or another frighteningly intricate manoeuvre. So, which genius decided that simply showing off your abs to the paying crowd was too hazardous to be allowed on a regular basis?

Clearly, the likes of Orton, Drew McIntyre and a few others don't see any harm in it, so long may they roar from up high.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...