10 Wrestling Rules You Had No Idea Existed

6. No "Yea-Boo" Spots

Can't Do This

...unless your name just so happens to be John Cena, that is!

In case you thought this rule was simply too dumb to make up, this insane ruling was actually spotted on a "house show rules" document that was doing the rounds online a few years back.

In case you're unaware, the whole idea behind what is known as a "yea-boo" moment in a wrestling arena is that you have two stars so over as either a face or heel that audiences simply cannot resist roaring with glee after every hero punch and raining down boos on each villainous reply. It's an exchange as old as time, but one that WWE clearly didn't want to be shared out among the rest of their locker room during the height of Cena's popularity.

To hand-cuff wrestlers in such a way, effectively not allowing them to respond to the crowd and give them what they want, is idiotically counter-productive. But this isn't the first time Vinnie Mac has decided to lay down a pointless commandment for reasons only he can understand... and it likely won't be the last.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...