10 Wrestling Spots Nobody Does Anymore

9. Big Men Just Sitting On Opponents

Andre The Giant Akeem

Speaking of bygone eras.

The role of the big man has totally changed since the 1980s and 90s. Back then, most wrestling giants lumbered around the ring delivering punches, the occasional kick, slams and maybe a few other moves. They also enjoyed sitting on their opponents with gigantic arses.

André The Giant was particularly fond of this, especially towards the end of his career. It wasn't uncommon to see his monstrous frame envelope another man's body like he was an adult sitting in a kid's chair, but that has died out. Nowadays, giants such as Braun Strowman are infinitely more mobile than their predecessors.

They're expected to bump more too, and that means old spots like the dreaded 'Arse Crush' (not a real name, obviously) have bit the dust. Strowman is more likely to perform a leapfrog than he is to waste 30 seconds by sitting on Sami Zayn's torso.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.