10 Wrestling Stories That Blurred Reality

6. John Cena's Disrespect For The Rock (2008-2013)

John Cena The Rock

One 2008 interview with The Sun revealed how John Cena really felt about The Rock. Holding nothing back, Cena said it p*ssed him off that Dwayne Johnson professed to "love" WWE and called it "home" when he "wants to be an actor". JC then said, "Explain to me why he can't come back for a 15th Anniversary show or make an appearance at WrestleMania".

Yeah, Dwayne. Stop bringing it via Skype!

Vince McMahon probably loved this, if only 'cause he knew Rocky would retort somewhere down the line and he'd be able to squeeze some box office hits out of the feud himself. That was how things panned out - The Rock was guest host at 'Mania XXVII, attacked Cena and then set up a match at the following year's show 24 hours later on Raw.

Throughout their rivalry, Cena and Rock took shots at one another's presentation, love of WWE and business ventures. They'd eventually become friends, and Cena apologised to Johnson, but not before they scorched one another for years and WWE capitalised on real-life animosity.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.