10 Wrestling Stories That Blurred Reality

7. The Undertaker Gets Frustrated (1998)

The Undertaker Pipebomb

In his stunning 'Last Ride' documentary series on the Network, The Undertaker claimed that he's kept fans in the dark on his character for the last 30 years. That, dear readers, isn't exactly the truth. On the 1 June 1998 episode of Raw, 'Taker cut quite the quasi-shoot promo on Vince McMahon's ass.

Nothing was sacred during 'Attitude', not even 'The Deadman's' aura.

'Taker appeared in regular street clothes and said he'd done everything to placate McMahon's lust for gold over the past eight years. He'd destroyed "all the monsters" Vince put before him, and made sure to protect his kingdom for "handpicked champions". What's more, he was loyal when everyone else bolted to "greener pastures".

It was jarring at the time to hear The Undertaker speak so freely about topics like WCW, Shawn Michaels ("I never lost my smile") and the boss of the company. Then, he blurred the lines by pretending that Kane was his real brother and McMahon was profiting from his family feud.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.