10 Wrestling Tag Teams That Were Totally Awkward

1. Damien Sandow And Darren Young

During the same pre-show match from the Royal Rumble that featured Mark Henry and Jack Swagger, Damien Sandow and Darren Young rolled out as a team. There was no real conclusion to Young's unit with Titus O'Neil, which must be considered confusing. As The Prime Time Players, Young and O'Neil were hardly the top tag-team in WWE, but they were a consistent one that played their role in the doubles division. By contrast, what relationship are fans expected to believe exists between Darren Young and Damien Sandow? Neither man has ever really been portrayed as having an affinity towards the other on television, so there's little for fans to work with there. The basic idea for any tag-team is that they exist on the same level, working towards a common goal and exhibiting a degree of team work. For that to happen, they need to team together regularly. When Young performed the 'millions of dollars' dance more commonly associated with he and O'Neil at the Rumble, it was just awkward. Dressed exactly as he had been whilst part of The Prime Time Players, he contrasted horribly with Damien Sandow's robe and 'Intellectual Saviour' gimmick. What an absolutely random pairing, one that came out of nowhere. What other wrestling tag-teams can you think of that were totally awkward? What do you make of the ones listed here? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.