10 Wrestling Tag Teams That Were Totally Awkward

2. Charlie Haas And Rico

It's unfair to say that 'odd couples' don't work in WWE, because there are examples to prove otherwise. For example, Goldust and Booker T were a barmy tandem that definitely entertained fans. Both guys managed to build a level of rapport with one another that made them endearing as a team. Charlie Haas and Rico was one duo that didn't quite manage that kind of success. Following his role as the manager of Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo, Rico Constantino was drafted to Smackdown in 2004 after returning with a new gimmick the previous year. Playing the guise of a flamboyant heel, Rico was turned by fans who started to catch on to how over-the-top he was making the character. That switch to Smackdown directly led to a team with Haas. Together, Haas and Rico even won the WWE Tag-Team Titles from Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty on an episode of Smackdown in April, 2004. The story was that Haas was reluctant to team with Rico, and that side of things was - admittedly - executed perfectly. That didn't stop things from appearing awkward, because there was just no real vibe between both wrestlers. As opposed to working despite their odd circumstances, Haas and Rico didn't ever look like a good fit even when they were on the same page.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.