10 Wrestling Tag Teams That Were Totally Awkward

9. The Hurricane And Rosey

To this day, Matthew Anoa'i doesn't speak in glowing terms about his time as Rosey, 'Super Hero In Training'. Of course, taking the first letters of each word in that nickname spells a word Anoa'i clearly believes sums up his time as The Hurricane's tag-team partner. Making his main roster debut alongside Jamal - who would go on to play Umaga - Rosey was part of the '3 Minute Warning' tandem. After that experiment was canned by management and Jamal was released, Rosey turned babyface and put together with his new buddy. Obviously, the masked Rosey character was played for laughs, but it was never something the big man really wanted to do in WWE. At Backlash 2005, the pair did win the World Tag-Team Titles following a 'Tag-Team Turmoil Match'. Logic would have dictated that it would be Rosey who would turn heel on The Hurricane, but the opposite happened. Hurricane said that he had been carrying Rosey as a partner and ditched him once they lost the tag belts. Once the short feud between former partners ended, Rosey was released by WWE. Perhaps this tandem proved so awkward because the Super Hero In Training (S.H.I.T geddit?) never felt content being part of it.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.