10 Wrestling Tag Teams That Were Totally Awkward

4. The Big Show And Billy Gunn

In another failed tag-team for The Big Show, he teamed with Billy Gunn for a brief period in 2001. Previously, Gunn had been part of regular teams like The Smoking Gunns and the wildly-successful New Age Outlaws. His new tandem, dubbed 'Show-Gunns' by the giant, did little to further his career. Show-Gunns. Seriously. The pair were portrayed as disgruntled veterans who felt they deserved better, and believed teaming together would hold the key to a successful year. Retrospect makes it clear that this simply didn't happen, because fans cared not a jot about a team formed by The Big Show and Billy Gunn. They merely made up the numbers in the tag-team division, offering little in the way of entertainment. Once again, the then-WWF had decided that a team born out of doing little else individually was the way to go. There's a pattern emerging on this list, this is a go-to idea for the writing team when the creative juices aren't exactly flowing. Big Show and Gunn only lasted a few months, before they went their separate ways and were rarely discussed again as a duo.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.