10 Wrestling Title Changes You Never Knew About

2. Dolph Ziggler - 1st WWE World Title

The Title Change: Dolph Ziggler€™s first €œreal€ WWE World Title reign started the day after Wrestlemania 29 when he beat Alberto Del Rio and was one of the best moments of that year. Yet, officially that title victory made Ziggler a two-time WWE World Champion as he had €œwon€ his first title on February 15th, 2011. On a special anniversary episode of Smackdown, the best worker in the industry was simply awarded the belt from storyline girlfriend and acting General Manager, Vicki Guerrero. Guerrero had stripped Edge of the title due to some awful storyline regarding him using his banned finisher in a previous match against Ziggler. Yet, Dolph was now a great heel World Champion and could finally showcase his abilities in future championship main events. The Aftermath: The returning Teddy Long ordered an immediate rematch for the belt against Edge that very night and€.well, you know the rest. Ziggler had a several hour initial title reign and Edge loses and regains the belt on the very same show. What made this even more disheartening was the fact that Ziggler would have to wait over two years before he had a legitimate run with the WWE World Title (and even THAT was cut short due to his concussion issues). Some wrestlers just can€™t catch a break.

J.D. White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.