10 Wrestling Trophies You Need To Know About

7. Hart Breaking Bad News

The opening contest at WrestleMania 4 was a 20-Man Invitational Battle Royal. Singles competitors such as King Harley Race, Hillbilly Jim, and Bad News Brown tussled with tag teams like The Hart Foundation and The Killer Bees. The winner received a ten foot tall trophy to commemorate their victory. The final three came down to Bad News Brown, Bret Hart, and Junkyard Dog. The two heels formed an alliance, eliminated JYD and declared themselves co-winners as they high fived one another. During their celebration, Brown double crossed Hart by hitting him with the Ghetto Blaster, and threw him out of the ring. Bad News Brown was officially declared the winner and was awarded a seven foot tall trophy. Brown had little time to celebrate as a vengeful Hitman blindsided him, lifted the trophy over his head, smashed it into oblivion, and kept the top piece of the trophy as small memento for himself.
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Atlee Greene is a freelance writer for various sites, including ForcesOfGeek.com, Gerweck.net, CamelClutchBlog.com, and WhatCulture.com. He is also a former independent professional wrestler and promotes shows in the Massachusetts area.