10 WWE Angles For Lana After She Splits From Rusev

4. Manage The Prime Time Players

If WWE wanted to push a little controversy then they should team Lana up with Titus O'Neil and Darren Young of The Prime Time Players. The point of this would be to emulate the balance that Sensational Sherri had with Harlem Heat in the early 1990s. Billed then as "Sister Sherri," she made certain audiences react with hostility to her association with the African American tag team. In the "Booker T: Sentenced To Greatness" edition of WWE 24 (on the WWE Network) Booker spoke of his former manager like this... "Truthfully, two black guys with a white woman...some people were going to be mad! We almost started riots in certain towns where security had to get us out of the building." Most of wrestling culture has progressed enough with the rest of society that they can be presented with people of different genders, races, and sexualities without erupting in violence. But the audiences that Booker T, Stevie Ray, and Sherri performed in didn't exist generations ago. That time was the mid-1990s and those people still exist. For certain markets the trio could be a heat magnet.

I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.