10 WWE Angles Ripped Straight From The Movies

9. Perry Saturn & Moppy (Cast Away)

Cast Away Wilson Perry Saturn Moppy
20th Century Fox/WWE

What was Perry Saturn's inanimate pal 'Moppy' if not a complete rip off of 'Wilson' the volleyball from Tom Hanks' 2000 flick Cast Away? The WWF copied the ball's red and white features, but had Saturn pretend that the mop's erm...mop was a healthy head of flowing blonde hair.

Big Chuck Noland would be proud of the upgrade.

Perry started doting on the handy floor-cleaning tool in 2001, and announcers explained that he was suffering the impact of a nasty concussion. Others, primarily in the wrestling media, reasoned that Saturn was being punished for stiffing the living sh*t out of jobber Mike Bell on an episode of 'C' show Metal earlier that year.

Whatever the reason for his gimmick change, the Cast Away nod did get Perry over. His relationship with 'Moppy' echoed Hanks' reliance on 'Wilson' in the movie, and he worked the same hopeless one-way conversations with his only friend.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.