10 WWE Badasses PERFECT For Raw Underground

9. Timothy Thatcher

Samoa Joe RAW Underground

One of the more recent WWE recruits. Timothy Thatcher made his TV debut on April 15th 2020. Immediately Thatcher showed why he was brought into the company. Teaming with Matt Riddle, Thatcher demonstrated his great in-ring technique and hard-hitting style.

However, while his work in WWE has been great - particularly the Fight Pit match with Riddle - 9t is Thatcher's work outside of WWE that makes him a perfect fit for Raw Underground. Specifically, his match with WALTER at wXw Ambition 11. This match demonstrated the mat work that Thatcher is capable of when in there with someone as talented as Walter. The ground game is spectacular, with a range of submissions being implemented.

That's not to say that Thatcher isn't an incredible striker. His hard hitting style is something comparable to the work of British Strong Style. Thatcher's look is also great. He exudes toughness and has a distinct aura about him that would suit the grimy style of Raw Underground.

A all-round tremendous athlete, Thatcher was built from the ground up to be in Raw Underground and could potentially be one of the breakout stars on Monday Night Raw.


Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.