10 WWE Blade Jobs That Turned Nasty

6. Steve Austin - WrestleMania 13

The most famous single image in Wrestlemania history? Quite possibly. Austin's blade job in his submission match against Bret Hart is often quoted as the changing of the guard and heralding of a new era and for good reason. It wasn't just the star that Bret was and the mega star that Austin would become that made this image the defining moment of the Attitude Era and Wrestlemania 13. It wasn't just the perfectly executed nature of the double-turn. It was as much the image itself. The defiant Austin, in agony, screaming with the blood running down his teeth and forming a large splotchy pool around his head as he passed out as Ken Shamrock stopped the match. It was this scene, so significantly far away from the tepid dust bin men and dancing clowns and the effin' Gobbly Gooker that had made up 90s WWF up until that point. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x13mkie_stone-cold-vs-bret-hart-wrestlemania-13_sport It was history being made before your eyes. History written in Steve Austin's blood.

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