10 WWE Booking Steps For Bray Wyatt Vs Dean Ambrose Feud

8. Dean Ambrose Responds To Bray Wyatt

This will be the most important promo-to-date of Dean Ambrose's career, and should require a sit-down interview with Renee Young. The idea of using the Combat Zone and Dragon Gate USA Wrestling footage of Ambrose wrestling in hardcore situations involving him bleeding profusely and maiming his opponents is important as when cast against his potential statements that " doesn't care about his body because nobody ever cared about him ," would be amazing. In feuding with Bray Wyatt, to be an effective babyface you have to prove to be more of a devil than the man perceived as the devil himself. Ultimately, this feud purports that Bray Wyatt isn't a bad person, he's ultimately a decent man with a terrible way of solving issues. Instead of using his head, he uses his body, making him more a man defined by his frustration than by some sort of incurable "insanity." In being absolutely crazy and succumbing to his madness, there's actually something super-human about Dean Ambrose and fairly common about Wyatt that sets the duality that defines what could make for fantastic viewing.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.