10 WWE Careers That Ended Too Soon Due To Injury

7. Sid Vicious

Edge WWE backstage

Sid Vicious (aka Sycho Sid) was one of WCW's top tier main event talents towards the end of their run, despite his tendency to get confused while on camera. At 2001's Sin, WCW's third to final pay-per-view before they were acquired by WWF, Sid faced Jeff Jarrett, Road Warrior Animal, and WCW Champion Scott Steiner for the WCW Championship where he suffered his career-ending injury. 

Following urging by WCW's backstage officials, Sid was encouraged to add more high flying offence to his arsenal and despite his objections, he attempted a big boot on Scot Steiner from the second rope. As soon as Sid lands, it's apparent that something is very wrong as his leg bends in completely the wrong way, akin to the very worst of American Football injuries.

Sid underwent a two hour surgery to place a rod inside his leg, and never wrestled on a major stage again, although he has performed at the odd independent show. 

Sid returned to WWE in 2012 as part of Heath Slater's feud with WWE legends in the run up to (and on) Raw 1000, and will more than likely join the WWE Hall of Fame sometime in the near future.

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