10 WWE Careers That Ended Too Soon Due To Injury

2. Hayabusa


Hayabusa was a legendary wrestler who started out his career in Frontier Martial-Arts Wrestling, but it wasn't until he left for Mexico where he adopted the name and trained under Rey Misterio Sr to incorporate more of a lucha libre style into his offense.

He returned to FMW where he was known for death-matches involving barbed wire and explosions, and competed one time in ECW alongside Jinsei Shinzaki (Hakushi in WWF) against Rob Van Dam and Sabu.

In 2001, in a match against Mammoth Sasaki, Hayabusa attempted a springboard moonsault but lost his footing and landed on his head, cracking two vertebrae which left him paralysed. Following this, FMW slowly crumbled without the man many considered to be its heart and eventually closed down in 2002 amid rumoured Yakuza connections.

Hayabusa remained connected to wrestling, most notably Japan's Dragon Gate promotion, while also working on a new career as a singer. In 2014, Hayabusa shocked the world when he rose to his feet and walked with the assistance of crutches, and as of this year has regained use of his legs and can walk with a cane.

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