6. Big Show (November 1999-January 2000 and November 2002- December 2002)

Big Show suffers from much the same issues that John Layfield did, in that he was an effective heel but couldn't produce a really good match and couldn't work in excess of twenty minutes. However, with Bradshaw at least they had the excuse that he was untried at that level so they had no way of knowing if he would succeed or fail. In the case of the Big Show he had spent the whole of 1999 failing to elecit any response from an audience other than apathy, participating in one terrible storyline after another (Undertaker's apprentice, father dies from cancer etc) and having matches so very very bad it made you wonder if he was taking any of this seriously. So having failed at everything he had been asked to do all year he was awarded the WWE title in a win over Triple H and The Rock at the 1999 Survivor Series and then promptly drops the title back to Triple H two months later when the WWE brain trust realised just how terrible a mistake this was. Big Show then spent the next two years doing much the same, having bad matches, participating in poor storylines and jumping from heel to face so many times I think even he didn't know what the hell he was supposed to be. So naturally he was given the title again in November 2002 and once again he was quickly relieved of the title a little over a month later as soon as WWE realised it had put the most important title in the company on a man who couldn't generate pay per view buys if his very existence depended on it.