7. Sheamus (December 2009-February 2010 and June 2010- September 2010)
The booking of Sheamus was textbook and exactly what you want to see when preparing someone to be champion. He won the United States Title and engaged in some worthwhile mid card feuds before going on to win the King Of The Ring Tournament and then going on to win the Royal Rumble and then capturing the title at Wrestlemania. A perfect journey from newcomer to champion. Only problem being all this happened
after Sheamus had already been WWE champion...twice. Words fail me for how utterly horrible the booking and development of Sheamus has been. Having him win the WWE title before anyone had really got to know him and then just expecting him to be able to run with the ball is lunacy, utter lunacy and unsurprisingly he failed. What then beggars belief is they put the belt back on him again where, unsurprisingly, he struggled with it once again because he hadn't any opportunity to learn his craft yet at that level. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the big irishman as he clearly had a lot of talent there but was just put into the spotlight way too soon and in the worst possible way, winning the title via a fluke in a tables match against John Cena and then winning the title almost by accident after a Nexus run in for his second reign. I have never seen a champion so completely set up to fail as Sheamus. Of course, after this disaster was over and done with they set about building him the right way and sure enough, he got over, the fans were able to accept him as a champion and he was able to handle his end of the deal having had opportunity to work some lower card feuds to build up some experience. So to summarise, right guy but wrong time.