10 WWE Champions You Didn't Care Enough To Hate

9. Mark Henry (September - December 2011)

Vince McMahon had a Hugh G. Rection for Mark Henry for the majority of the naughties, which resulted in numerous attempts to push The World's Strongest Man right to the top. Whether it was a Streak match with The Undertaker at WrestleMania or main eventing the Royal Rumble with Kurt Angle, there was always an attempt to make Mark Henry a top guy.

In 2011, at Night of Champions, it finally happened - Henry became the World Heavyweight Champion after defeating Randy Orton. Sadly, by this point, Henry had been in WWE for 15 years and he simply wasn€™t believable as the top antagonist of the promotion.

Some fans felt that Henry was effective in his role but when it came down to it, the audience didn€™t care enough about the Mark Henry character to make the title run a success. Yes, Henry did some of the best work of his career during this period and it was a sight to behold seeing him induct people into the Hall of Pain, but there was still an air of apathy accompanying everything he did.

To make matters worse, after his feud with Orton was over, Henry€™s kiss of death was sealed as he feuded with The Big Show over the big gold belt. When there€™s a heel champion that people are having trouble buying into, The Big Show is NOT the answer. Ever. Not even once.

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Big Show
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Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.