10 WWE Characters Only Created For ONE Feud

7. The Narcissist (Mr. Perfect)

Lex Luger

It's often forgotten that Lex Luger's original WWF gimmick was actually called 'Narcissus', not 'The Narcissist'. That changed somewhere between Bobby Heenan's early promo hype and the 1993 Royal Rumble. Maybe creative disliked dipping into Greek mythology, or perhaps they wanted to make it much clearer who Luger was targeting.

Mr. Perfect.

Narcissist was deemed much more perfect than Curt Hennig by Heenan, and the deliciously smug manager (who was positively frothing at the mouth for Lex's reveal at the Rumble) couldn't wait until his new charge put Mr. Perfect in his place. It was the kind of simple storytelling the WWF loved back in the early-'90s.

Of course, Luger would ditch his self-obsessed gimmick by the summer to become Vince McMahon's new Hulk Hogan-style babyface. His run as Narcissist lasted all of seven months at best, and it didn't quite oust Perfect from the picture.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.