10 WWE Characters Only Created For ONE Feud

8. Isaac Yankem (Bret Hart)

Isaac Yankem Jerry Lawler

Most WWF/WWE fanatics would agree that the company f*cked The Undertaker over big time by introducing a gaggle of clunky monsters for one-off feuds in the early-to-mid-'90s. He wasn't the only one - poor Bret Hart had to suffer the indignity of making chicken salad from chicken sh*t too.

At least 'Taker never had to wrestle Jerry Lawler's dentist.

The "hilariously" named Isaac Yankem D.D.S was introduced to the world as Lawler's go-to surgeon in the summer of 1995 specifically so he could target the 'Hitman'. This, much like the Mr. America add-on to Hogan vs. McMahon, was a ploy to extend the never-ending feud between Bret and Lawler.

Yankem, the world's first wrestling dentist, was actually better in-ring than the crappy gimmick suggested. He'd go on to bigger and better things, but not before wobbling through a botched repackage job as 'Fake' Diesel the following year.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.