10 WWE Christmas Moments

3. Alberto Del Rio Runs Over Santa

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vfg5WeTM1fg At the beginning of this Raw Christmas episode, WWE kicked off the show by having Santa come out and give some presents out to the crowd. Santa's time slot must have run over because it somehow overlapped with the entrance of newly turned face Alberto Del Rio. Unfortunately for the new good guy, he somehow clipped Santa with his car and sent him crashing to the floor. To add insult to injury, a Christmas tree fell on his head. Del Rio and Ricardo reacted in horror to see St. Nick lying on the floor as the fans chanted, "You Killed Santa." Probably the first (and last) time you'll have heard that chant. Later in the night, Alberto's punishment was a "Miracle on 34th Street Fight," against John Cena. It was the same as a regular street fight only the ring was surrounded by boxes of presents which housed weapons the two could use on each other. In one particular cheesy moment, Alberto was hitting Cena with the mic only for John to scream the word, "SAAANNTTAAAAAAAAA!!" into it before coming back and beating Del Rio down with the same microphone. Cena then went to work unwrapping presents and found himself a steel chair, which he promptly used on his opponent. Del Rio then instructed Ricardo to get HIM a present but when he opened it he was horrified to see that all that was inside was a Christmas pie. No prizes for guessing that the pie ended up in Ricardo's face. They fought up the ramp where Ricardo found a massive box and insisted that something huge would be inside like a bazooka or a tank. Again, he messed up as Del Rio opened the box to find a teddy bear inside. He hit Cena with it anyway but it of course did no damage. That Cena, he never sells anything! As John took control of the match, Ricardo inserted himself again only for Santa's music to hit and interrupt his attack on Cena. Ricardo was happy to see that Santa wasn't dead after all and ran straight into his arms only to be taken out by a sack to the head. Santa then applied "Mr. Socko" (or Mr. Stocking) to Del Rio, who turned right into an Attitude Adjustment from Cena for the win.
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