10 WWE Divas Who Benefited From Dating A Wrestler

Would anyone care about Brie Bella if it wasn't for Daniel Bryan?

It is not entirely uncommon, whilst surfing around the interweb, to find plenty of pro-wrestling communities. It is even less uncommon, within these communities, to find plenty of people who believe they have the answer. Booking decisions, pushing superstars, turning John Cena heel and making one of the daftest business decisions a company could ever make, you name it, it's been said in the IWC by someone who €œknows€ they are right. One such holier than thou piece of commentary often comes in rugged defence of the Divas, frequently from me. €œThey're not booked properly... they don't get enough time... she's more than a piece of eye candy...€ etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Sometimes, in this defence, it's easy to forget they're celebrities (of a fashion), paid very large salaries, with many thousands of Twitter followers and typically knock-out bodies. For WWE Divas, in the big picture there really is nothing to complain about, especially when they can end up in such positions by sheer chance and happenstance. There are some Divas in WWE history who've been given the biggest pushes of their careers conveniently in time with a new budding and sometimes short term relationship with a top star with some pulling power backstage. Then there are those a step further down that road whose job and subsequent fame itself came as a result of an existing relationship with a star in Vince's push window. Here's a look at 10 Divas who have absolutely no excuse to be complaining...

Betting on being a brilliant brother to Bodhi since 2008 (-1 Asian Handicap). Find me @LiamJJohnson on Twitter where you might find some wonderful pearls of wisdom in a stout cocktail of profanity, football discussion and general musings. Or you might not. Depends how red my eyes are.