10 WWE Dream Matches That Will Happen In 2024

9. GUNTHER Vs. Brock Lesnar

CM Punk vs. Steve Austin

It's coming up to a year since WWE offered fans the first meaty tease of a blockbuster contest capable of leaving you with a few bruises just from taking in the action at home.

The sound that met the simple visual of the two gladiators known as GUNTHER and Brock Lesnar just staring each other down in the middle of the 2023 Royal Rumble match should have been enough to convince Triple H to commit to the first instalment of this never-before-seen battle later that year.

Instead, GUNTHER continued to conquer and eventually became the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time, while 'The Beast' turned his attention to the likes of Bobby Lashley, Omos, and Cody Rhodes in the months that followed.

But surely it's only a matter of time before 'Papa H' pulls the trigger on a match simply guaranteed to produce countless instantly iconic moments of brutality, right?

Perhaps Lesnar will look to finally add an IC title to his long list of accolades at this year's 'Show of Shows'. Or maybe an already dethroned GUNTHER's last violent hurdle before stepping up to challenge for either the World Heavyweight or Undisputed WWE Universal Championship will involve him having to break Brock.

Either way, 2024 looks like it could involve one of the most barbaric visits to Suplex City ever.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...