10 WWE ECW Stars You Totally Don't Remember

9. Bam Neely

Lena Yada

Kevin Nash, as Diesel, successfully made the transition from bodyguard to bonafide wrestling star in the early '90s - and since then, WWE has been forever trying to repeat the trick.

Bam Neely, a dog's body to Chavo Guerrero, is among those to have failed - perhaps as the inevitable consequence of the fact that he was introduced to our screens right around the same time as Brian Kendrick's Ezekiel Jackson, who made his near-seven-foot frame look relatively normal by comparison.

Nobody could ever really accuse Neely of being anything more than a flash in the pan, but as flash in the pans go, his run had at least something to take pride in, in the shape of his fleeting involvement in WrestleMania 24's leading feud.

As part of La Familia, he got to rub shoulders with both Edge and The Undertaker, often finding himself - along with Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder - on the receiving end of a chokeslam after getting left in the ring by his superiors following a lights-out ambush from the Deadman.

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Lena Yada
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