10 WWE Employees Humiliated On The Air

6. Mickie James

Piggy James

Rake thin with boobs that'd help the Titanic stay afloat. That was how WWE liked their women during the 'Diva' days, and there were few exceptions. Anyone who dared enjoy just one more cookie was ridiculed for "being fat". Yes, (unwritten) company policy really was as absurd and bizarro world as that last sentence reads.

Just ask Mickie James.

She was on the receiving end of brutal on screen teasing from heel duo Michelle McCool and Layla about her appearance in late-2009/early-2010. Now, before going any further, it's important to note that this was a wrestling storyline, and neither McCool nor Layla genuinely thought the super-athletic Mickie was overweight.

Nonetheless, their 'Piggy James' taunting visibly upset James and made a fool of her in front of the entire viewing world. It was like WWE were saying anyone who didn't look like a Victoria's Secret model should be ashamed of themselves.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.