10 WWE Employees Humiliated On The Air

7. The Ultimate Warrior

Ultimate Warrior Cont

Imagine if, 15 years from now, WWE released a documentary that told fans how Brock Lesnar was a spoon-fed loser who didn't deserve one bit of his success. That was how it felt when the company produced 'The Self-Destruction Of The Ultimate Warrior' back in 2005.

15 years on from being touted as the man who'd replace Hulk Hogan for good by the same federation who were now mocking him, Warrior's entire career and personality was crucified by every talking head who fancied it. As fascinating a burial as it was to watch, it was also a lesson in how fickle WWE can be.

They'd once championed Warrior and positioned him as the man. Now, because they'd cut ties, he was to be shamed for knowing only a few holds, painting his face and never having a Dave Meltzer five-star match. It was a shocking display of capriciousness that looked even sillier when Warrior was inducted into WWE's own Hall Of Fame in 2014.

At least the DVD sold well.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.