10 WWE Exits Which Seriously Affected Other Wrestlers

7. Brock Lesnar's Exit Frees Up Space At The Top

AJ Styles

Few marquee WWE talents have ever left the company at the absolute peak of their powers, and even less have left when they were presented as the poster boy of the company.

Yet, Brock Lesnar simply didn't care about any of that. He'd had enough and in 2004 'The Next Big Thing' was the next one out the door.

Though WWE were initially left with quite the spot to fill - with both Lesnar and Goldberg leaving the company at the same time - it didn't take long before the stars of tomorrow started to take advantage of the space at the top of the card.

John Cena and Batista were unquestionably talented boys, but both definitely benefited from Lesnar's departure.

Would either stars have had the space to grow into the top WWE performers they did had the eventual UFC Champion been around to contend with?

It's almost impossible to say for sure, but we do know that with Lesnar gone, 'The Animal' and 'The Doctor of Thuganomics' were handed the poster boy baton and it's safe to say they ran like their careers' depended on it.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...