10 WWE Feuds That Started Over The DUMBEST Things

2. Chris Jericho Mispronounces Fandango

Drew McIntyre CM Punk Bracelet

The main crux of Fandango's intro to WWE's main roster in early 2013 was that ring announcers struggled to pronounce his name. The dancing wrestler wasn't happy about this, and corrected them every single time. He'd also point blank refuse to wrestle if they kept making the same mistakes.

See where this is going?

Chris Jericho intentionally mispronounced Fandango's name during a backstage run-in on Raw, then told the newbie to do something about it. Yep, this was the only reason for their rivalry: Jericho knew how to say Fandango properly but was just being obnoxious about it. That, somehow, led to a WrestleMania match and a debut win for the ex-Johnny Curtis.

Then, something magical happened. Fans flocked to buy Fandango's entrance theme on iTunes, and it even rocketed up the charts in the UK. WWE spurned the chance to turn him into an unlikely babyface sensation. Maybe they tried, but some writer just couldn't say his name correctly during meetings. 


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.